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How to Glue, Sew & Repair a Wetsuit?

Views: 12     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-12-03      Origin: Site

How to Glue, Sew & Repair a Wetsuit?

Over the years, water sports have become very popular among different cultures and countries that are filled with enthusiasts in these activities or sports, who put their skills to test in multiple environments where swimming & diving will be required in order to move around the water. Then, our skin will be in full contact with the water, and while that sounds just as good for most people, if the temperature of the water is very low then our body will start feeling the bad effects of not wearing the proper gear for this kind of experiences where we could get sick if we don't follow some measures.


One kind of those marvelous pieces of gear that are massively recommended for aquatic activities receives the name of a wetsuit, and it's a neoprene suit that will maintain our skin out of close contact with the water, which means that our skin will not get too wet. Even if the temperatures are very low, you won't feel that sensation unless you stay in the water for a very long time (which is not recommended in any situation). Another plus of wetsuits is the fact that it can protect you from bruises that can be caused due to hitting rocks or small objects in the water.



Well, sadly for you and other enthusiasts, wetsuits can be a little fragile if you get close to large rocks or sharp objects that could put the neoprene of the suit into a bad situation where the suit could create some leaks or as we prefer to call it, tears and holes that will make the suit be completely useless since the water will be entering to the part of your body where the skin will be in touch with the water. So, do you need to buy another expensive wetsuit to replace that has been broken? Thankfully, the answer is a big NO, you don't have to replace anything, so stay tuned to discover how to repair a wetsuit tear.



First of all, you need to know that the procedure is not something extreme that only professionals could manage to perform, but this doesn't mean that it will be easy like resetting an internet router or something like that. No, you will need to do some hard work and actually, patience and dedication will be your best allies in this situation. But hey, all your efforts will save a lot of money, right? Well, now that everything has been settled, let's begin with this small guide on how to repair your wetsuit. Just follow the steps and everything will as smooth as ever.


Wait! Before starting with the guide, you need to know that there are lots of possibilities when it comes to fixing something like clothes or suits, but this doesn't mean that with neoprene wetsuits the results and procedures will be the same. Remember that you are dealing with neoprene, so you need to be a little bit careful and tricky in some occasions. You don't want to make everything worse, right? So always calculate your next movement. Now, without anything else left to say, let's begin!


Step #1: Discovering the Wetsuit Cement or Glue.

Thankfully, humankind always finds good solutions to major problems that will cost tons of money if these alternatives have not appeared on the market, and it is good to inform that there is a good way of fixing tears and holes in your wetsuit without wasting hundreds of dollars in the solution, and the best things about it? The fact that this product can be funded in a lot of places so you won't have to fight for the stock. There are multiple units and possibilities out there! Yes, the wetsuit cement or glue is something truly incredibly...


But now the question is, how to glue wetsuit? Well, this doesn't have too much science since you just have to hold both ends of the tear or hole and put them as close as you can to make the neoprene stay in place. After that, use your best controls to maintain that position while applying the special glue on the affected zone and then everything will be good. And that's it, right? Actually not, you need to do the same thing at least 3 times after the glue gets a little solid, and after that, you will have to leave it completely dry overnight to see the best results.


Step #2: Surprise! Glue Won't Be Enough in Most Cases... Time to Sew.

Sadly, the solution can't be too easy, doesn't it? Well, in case that the glue wasn't enough to seal the tear on the wetsuit you will need to do something else in order to repair everything and get ready for new adventures. And yes, this can be the complicated part of the procedure and not for anything, you can save a lot of money with this procedure, right? Solutions will not be funded by themselves, Sometimes sacrifices are necessary, and this time the sacrifice will be some time and patience, so let's begin.


Wetsuit Sewing


Now, it's time to begin with the procedure. After you have applied the glue, you will need to act with something else, so, start looking for dental floss or even regular string that you may have at your property, now, you may be asking if they are the same thing... if you want better results you may want to stay with the dental floss since its composition was made to stay together in place even with great pressure, so neoprene will hold on to it without any problem at all.


Step #3: How to Sew a Wetsuit and Tips for Sewing Wetsuit Tears.

It's not a secret that not everyone has been born for sewing things, but don't worry. Even if you don't count with endless hours of experience, you will be able to pass through the problem without any complication at all. For that reason, you need to be cool and stay calm because patience will be extremely required. Now, you will have to follow the same procedure as if you were in the first step, hold both edges of the tear and holes with the purpose of closing the gap between edges, and then after you have it under control it will be time to sew tough the tears and after that, you will have to use some special glue or wetsuit cement to seal everything and make sure that it stays put.


Now, keep your patience and stay cool since you are doing a good job on this procedure. The only thing that is left is leaving the wetsuit in a cool place where nothing or no one could interfere or move it to another place. Remember that glue is strong, but not irremovable. In the morning or at least after 12 hours you will see a fully functional wetsuit that will be ready for new adventures on the water with some friends or family members. Just be careful out there, and don't overdo things.


Bad Ending: Not Even the Sew Procedure Could Help My Wetsuit, What Now?

If not even the previous procedure could help your wetsuit then you are not in a very good situation... but don't feel bad. It's not your fault and you did your best. So, replacement is the only alternative left? Thankfully, you still have one chance in this situation since you can take your wetsuit to a professional store where they count with professional hands that can do everything for you, and then everything will be solved, but of course, you will have to end spending some money. Yet, it won't be as much as it would cost to replace the wetsuit.


Sadly (once again...) this alternative is not available for everyone in the world since not every place counts with this kind of maintenance stores where wetsuits can be repaired. Even if they exist, the price will be much higher. So, if you are some that bought the wetsuit in another country, the best recommendation will be doing your best trying to fix it on your own.



It's been a difficult time, but the good thing is the fact that your wetsuit has been fixed and now everything will be as good as before! However, you should be more careful with these kinds of suits, especially when they cost a lot of money. Try to dive or swim more carefully when you are under the water or exploring any underwater environment because even a small rock could tear your suit depending on where it reached your body and how. Also, keep your fingernails short when you want to touch or manipulate the wetsuit, because it's really easy for them to tear neoprene, more than you may think. So, with the proper care, maintenance, and properly follow of the security measure, your suit will be alright. Stay safe and good luck on your adventures!


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A Guide to Wetsuit Stitching & Seam Construction

Types of Wetsuit Materials

Single Lined or Double Lined Wetsuits


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